Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Evaluating human resource management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Evaluating human resource management - Essay Example A large number of firms and organizations are offering flexible working arrangements for their employees, as a strategy to retain them by satisfying them to an extent. These arrangements help the employee in maintaining balance life between career and family, this way it motivates the employees to give productive results by working in an efficient manner. Although the advantages derived from flexible working arrangement are considerable, still due to a large number of reasons it is not carried out in an efficient manner in the firms. In this paper, we address the benefits derived by firms by opting flexible working arrangements, the issues faced by them and the various methods by which the obstacles can be overcome. The data was derived upon after referring to surveys which were done in the past and also based on the results of the questionnaire which was filled in by the professional employees.The term ‘human resourcing’ is used to describe a set of principles through which the strategic possibilities of an organization’s workforce and employment structure is evaluated. The methodologies of human resourcing derive from two concerns ( Zeytinoglu,1999) :1. The auditing of current human resources in relation to possible future product/ service and labor market scenarios.2. The promotion and maintenance of optimal human resource performance through the management of work patterns and organization structures.... This approach rested on three sequential steps (Catalyst,1997): 1. An estimation of the organization's future manpower needs in terms of numbers andskill composition. 2. An analysis of labor flows into, within and out of the organization, and the ability ofrelevant labor markets to supply existing or future demands. 3. The identification of gaps between supply and demand and the development ofpolicies to 'close' these. LITERATURE REVIEW The need to consider strategic planning for human resources has been recognized in the HR literature over the last couple of decades and more recently by chief executives and senior HR specialists. Various external factors - such as move towards globalization, changing economic trends, changes in the demographic-make up of the labor force and the shortage of key skills, knowledge and experience - have contributed to the urgency with which the subject is now debated. Also there is a realization between organizations of the changing and more 'flexible' nature of the workforce and their need to combine diverse careers with their personal lives. In essence manpower planning has been associated with a more tactical approach of getting the right people, with the right skills, in the right place, at the right time. The definition of 'right' is not made in the literature, but should be taken to mean 'what is right for a particular organization'. Part of the difficulty with this rationale is its static nature, where people are seen as a cost to the organization (Walsh, 1999) instead of an investment. The focus of manpower planning is on management and control. It usually includes various

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Film Review Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 3

Film Review - Assignment Example Based on a true story, Missing weave the incident that took place in Chile in 1973. An American freelance journalist Charles Horman (John Shea) with his wife Beth (Sissy Spacek) is in Chile as the opportunity presents them with the condition of military coup to report on, during and after the regime of Salvador Allande. As the time nears for the couple to leave Chile to return to America, Charles is been abducted by the military, which hints the involvement of the American army – a place where they should not be present. The following events depict the father of Charles, a conservative business man trying to locate his son and get out of the jungle of lies and deception portrayed by the US embassy with his daughter in law. Like every film produced to date, Missing contains a theme, targets a specific audience and has few editing shortcomings. The theme of the movie can be describes as addressing the controversy that had resulted as a result of Charles Horman execution back in 1973 and to clearly portray the involvement of US government in the scenario. For instance, in the start of the movie Gavras educate the people that the proceeding scenes are accounted for and are documented too; this implies that whatever will be shown in the movie cannot be questioned and the scenes are shot after authorizing the incident. So, we can harmlessly assume that the Gavras hinting that the US government was involved and the embassy played a part in approving or commanding the execution of Chalres Horman is correct. But then, this particular controversy clearing scenes opened new questioning from the public as well as the government. People tends to get more involved in a movie if the movie is based on a real incident, as this flick by Gavras falls in the same category the audience targeted by the director was the American citizen, because of the fact that the main victim of the movie was an American and this topic had been controversial for a long period of