Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Legalization Of Marijuan It Is A Criminal - 1470 Words

They say, â€Å"It is a Criminal† A couple of weeks ago, CNN the world s most recognized news station. They were showing a story about how medical marijuana helped a three years old girl, who was suffering from a several epilepsy. From the story, this three year old girl could have a hundreds of seizures within a day. However, one day his father, who was a retired military, he made a research and found a good testimonies about how a medical marijuana helped these men, children, and women with the same condition as his daughter. Therefore, he decided to try it on his daughter, even though, he was nervous and scared about the idea. But he had a lot of confidences in the medical marijuana, and he was determine to help his†¦show more content†¦Most people believe that marijuana should be illegal because it creates violence at school, on the street, workplace and home. For example, according to a personal experience, people who smoke marijuana have the symptom of fear and panic that may make them confused and not understand any simple things. As a result, these make them act abnormal and violence most of the times. However, in my opinion, I believe that marijuana should be legalized in three reasons. The first reason why marijuana should be legalized is; it has health benefit. Despite the fact that marijuana can cause brain injuries and poor judgment; it has a lot of cures and treatments for an incurable disease such as epilepsy, cancer and depression. For instance, according to psychedelic drug therapy studies have proven that the psychedelics in marijuana can support patients with pain management, especially for cluster headaches. Also, the psychedelics can be effective in curing the withdrawal symptoms of narcotic, alcohol addiction and cancer treatment (â€Å"Psychedelic’’). Furthermore, marijuana can be classified as natural plant, cannabis or herbs because it grows from the soil and it’s God made creature. For instance, if garlic, chervil, parsley, is referred as medicinal herb or plants, then I believe that marijuana has the same features and qualities as these plants. Therefore, they should be allowed to be cultivated in

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